Links to some really great video astronomy web sites.
Number 1 on the list and no video astronmy list is with out this one. It is a live streaming web site where you can watch live views from around the world and chat with the person broadcasting along with others too.
Number 2 on the list and a up and comer to video astronomy is Video Astronomy Forums web site. A great one of a kind site built just for the subject of video astronomy. Want some information on video astronomy. This is a great place to start.
Number 3 on the list is Star Gazers Lounge. Really loaded with information site. The knowledge base on this sites is as good as it gets in the world of amateur astronomy. It has a video forums sections to help you out.
Below is a very intresting artical about the first company to actually start offering video astronomy cameras. Make no mistake they were the first. These guys along with G Star cameras started it all. Anyone else who claims this is just flat lying to you.
Some personal web sites with good information are out there. Here are a few.
Ken James
Here is a good group doing some great out reach.
Bob and Debbie are doing some good on line shows.
This will have more sites added soon so check back once in a while.
THE VIDEO STAR PARTY CALLED ECVAR takes place once a year. It is one of the very few video star parties in the world.